Bill Taylor

Author and Cofounder, Fast Company

Innovation stories from simple, everyday settings.

In this clip, Bill explains how Pal’s Sudden Service manages their employees in a way that runs counter to every assumed norm of the fast-food workforce:

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Bill Taylor is a best-selling author, celebrated entrepreneur, and groundbreaking thinker. He made his name as co-founder and founding editor of Fast Company, one of the most influential magazines of the last two decades. Fast Company has won countless awards, from “Startup of the Year” in its early days to 2014’s “Magazine of the Year,” the highest honor in its field, and has earned a passionate following among executives around the world. Fast Company recently celebrated its twentieth anniversary and continues to shape the conversation about business.

Since starting Fast Company, Taylor has written three books on growth, leadership, and change. His new book, Simply Brilliant: How Great Organizations Do Ordinary Things in Extraordinary Ways, was published in September. Simply Brilliant was named Best Leadership and Strategy Book of 2016 by 800CEORead and one of the Best Leadership Books of 2016 by Leadership Now. His last book, Practically Radical, was a Wall Street Journal bestseller. His previous book, Mavericks at Work, was a New York Times bestseller and was named a “Business Book of the Year” by The Economist and the Financial Times.