Gever Tulley

Co-Founder of the Tinkering School

The author of Fifty Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do), Gever talks about the lack of authenticity in many children’s activities, the importance of risk-taking for development – and how this applies to innovation in business.

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Gever founded Tinkering School in 2005 in order to learn how children become competent and to explore the notion that kids can build anything, and through building, learn anything. In 2009 he established a non-profit to manage Tinkering School and its various project: the Institute for Applied Tinkering. In 2010, as a project of the IAT, he co-founded Brightworks – a K-12 school where he is the Education Architect and “everything is interesting.” A self-taught computer scientist with no formal education, Gever’s expertise is really in… thinking. Gever has taught workshops and made presentations to both kids and adults around the world. He has spoken at TED,twice, written articles for MAKE:, and authored the book Fifty Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do).