Robin Chase

Founder of ZipCar & Founder and CEO of Buzzcar

Robin chase is an entrepreneur who has founded numerous successful ventures, such as Zipcar, the world’s largest carsharing company, GoLoco, an online ridesharing company, and Buzzcar, a service to bring together car owners and drivers in an online community. Her work has centered on cars and rides, and especially on collaborative sharing of resources to get people where they are need to go most efficiently. She has been featured on numerous media outlets such as The Today Show, The New York Times, National Public Radio, Wired, Newsweek, Time, BusinessWeek, as well as numerous books on entrepreneurship. She has been honored with numerous awards for both entrepreneurship and environmentalism, from government and private bodies.

On her visit to Innovation Navigation, Chase reflected on Zipcar’s development and emphasized a point heard from many successful entrepreneurs – to reach the target customer base with a minimum viable product as quickly as possible to test the concept, and iterate to a final product based on their feedback. She went on to envision a world in the coming 15-20 years in which most vehicles are shared, so perhaps as few as 12% of the vehicles on the road today are necessary, enabling a new kind of cooperation between individuals and between individuals and companies.