Jill Dyché

VP of Best Practices at SAS

Innovating IT. Jill Dyché explains how to align the goals of IT with the rest of your business.

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Jill Dyché has been thinking, writing, and speaking about business-IT alignment for over two decades. In her career as a consultant and advisor to executives across industries, she’s seen technology organizations deliver strategic change, and has worked with managers across IT and business organizations to make it stick.

Jill has lived in far-flung locales including Paris, London, and Sydney, lecturing at industry conferences, tech events, and leading business schools, and blogging on the topic of why corporate technologies are—or, at least should be—business-driven. She is the author of e-Data(Addison Wesley, 2000), The CRM Handbook (Addison Wesley, 2002), and, with co-author Evan Levy, Customer Data Integration (Wiley, 2007). Her work has been featured in numerous magazines and journals including Newsweek.com, HBR.org, Information Week, Computerworld, and Forbes.com.

Her latest book—The New IT: How Technology Leaders are Enabling Business Strategy in the Digital Age—offers fresh frameworks for transforming enterprise IT organizations. It also features case studies of executive change agents across the technology and business divide, all profiled in Jill’s irreverent voice.

Jill worked for a variety of high-technology companies before co-founding Baseline Consulting, a management consulting firm that was acquired by SAS in 2011. She lives in Los Angeles, where she samples fringe Cabernets, rescues shelter dogs, and writes the occasional haiku.